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Small Promises, Big Progress! 

Recently, I created a small private group called Club 20 Minutes, originally designed to help my Feng Shui clients stay on track with their home projects. The idea was simple: meet online for just 30 minutes, three times a week, to share our daily tasks and achievements, and commit to working on something for 20 minutes each day—whether it’s home organizing, cleaning, or any personal project.

Inspired by my friend Junko, a home organizing coach, and her “15-Minute Club,” I’ve started a trial run of my own 20-minute version with her advice and guidance.

But here’s what I’ve realized... this group isn’t just for my clients—it's also for me!

It turns out that by making small, consistent promises to ourselves, we not only build better habits but also grow stronger as individuals. For me, it’s been a game-changer in waking up early and setting intentions for the day. It used to be hard for me to get out of bed in the mornings, but now I feel motivated to show up—both for the group and for myself.

The real goal isn’t just about keeping the house organized or completing a task. It's about keeping those small promises to ourselves—promises we often put off because of our busy lives or feeling too tired. In fact, the act of sticking to a commitment, no matter how small, is incredibly empowering.

Whether it’s cleaning your kitchen, stretching your body, practicing meditation, practicing piano or even reading a few pages of a book, every small step counts. And every time we share our progress with the group, we feel the power of accountability, connection, and support.

This process has been teaching me so much, and I’m seeing how it can truly help anyone who wants to improve their routines, stay motivated, and live more positively.

I’m excited to see the growth in all of us. From practicing piano, to chanting, to simply taking time to stretch—Club 20 Minutes is a safe, supportive space for everyone, no matter what your personal goals are.

I am wondering how we can grow as a community. I will share more details when I decide to make this official to public! Let’s empower each other to stay consistent and reach bigger goals together.

最近、プライベートグループ「Club 20 Minutes 20分クラブ」を作りました。本来は、風水のクライアントさんが自宅のプロジェクトを進めやすくするためのものでした。


気づいたことは…このグループはクライアントさんだけのためじゃなく、私自身にも役立っていることに! 自分と交わした小さな約束を守り続けることで、習慣が身につき、自己成長にもつながると実感しています。私の場合、朝起きるのが苦手だったのですが、このグループのおかげで「今日も頑張ろう!」という気持ちで早起きできるようになりました。

このグループの本当の目的は、家を片付けることだけじゃありません。忙しさや疲れで後回しにしがちな「自分との小さな約束」を守ること。その積み重ねが、自信や充実感を与えてくれています。例えば、キッチンを片付けたり、ストレッチをしたり、瞑想や読書、ピアノの練習をしたり。どんな小さなステップでも意味があります。そして、各自の進歩をグループで共有することで、責任感やつながり、サポートを感じられます。 このプロセスを通じて、習慣を見直したい人や前向きな生活を送りたい人にとって、大きな助けになると実感しています。




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Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY


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Ai works with her clients closely to create not only ideal homes but also offices, salons, schools,

and other spaces where they would seek self-love. 

©2024 by Ai Feng Shui Interior Consulting​​ 

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